First Professorship for Gender Medicine in Switzerland

The University of Zurich is establishing Switzerland’s first-ever professorship for gender medicine at the Faculty of Medicine.

University Medicine Zurich is introducing the new field of gender medicine to university teaching. The new professorship will explore the effects of biological sex and sociocultural gender on people’s health and wellbeing. Research activities can range from basic research and translational and clinical studies to health services research, with the aim of generating new insights into the differences between men and women in as many fields as possible. These findings will then be translated into medical practice and clinical services. The professorship is expected to launch by early 2024.

The news on the new chair was received very positively by the media. With various interviews and reports highlighting the significance of gender medicine for medical teaching and research, e.g. in a 10vor10 report on Swiss television or an article in the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper (both in German).

The UZH Foundation is very pleased to have secured some of the funding for the new professorship through donations from foundations and private individuals. Thank you to everyone who has helped us reach this important milestone.


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