Researching Brain Diseases

Even today there are many unknowns when it comes to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, brain cancer, epilepsy and depression, and we still can’t fully comprehend these diseases that afflict so many in our society. The Brain Diseases Fund was set up to find answers to some of the most pressing questions in this area.

The Brain Diseases Fund promotes non-clinical basic research at the University of Zurich by supporting junior researchers. The UZH Foundation uses the funds to hand out annual prizes to young scientists for their outstanding contributions in the field of brain diseases. The UZH Award for Research in Brain Diseases was first awarded in 2006. The awarding of funds is overseen by an advisory board.

Apply for the Brain Diseases Award

Are you a PhD candidate looking to boost your research on brain diseases? Apply for the Brain Diseases Award and present your findings to our prestigious panel of experts. The UZH Foundation awards yearly prizes (of CHF 10,000 each) for outstanding research among all submissions. Here you can find informations on the rules for applicants. Please submit your application in full as a PDF file by 30 April to Prof. Dr. Amedeo Caflisch.

Rules for Applicants Brain Diseases Award

The advisory board is made up of the following members:

  • Prof. Dr. Amedeo Caflisch, Department of Biochemistry UZH
  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Jessberger, Brain Research Institute UZH
  • Prof. Dr. Ben Schuler, Department of Biochemistry UZH

Roeltje Maas: Award Winner 2024

Research Focus

Tumor-associated neutrophils (TANs) are highly abundant in human high-grade gliomas and brain metastasis, yet it is unclear what role they play in these tumors.  We showed that TANs have a prolonged lifespan and an immunosuppressive phenotype through the expression of PD-L1 in comparison to circulating neutrophils. Moreover, PD-L1+ TANs co-localization with PD1+ CD8+ T-cells for effective T-cell inhibition. We uncovered that TNF-α and ceruloplasmin, produced by myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME), induce this immunosuppressive TAN phenotype. These findings help find new therapeutic targets to render the brain TME less immunosuppressive and more susceptible to immunotherapy.

Camille Testard: Award Winner 2024

Research Focus

Social interaction is critical for human health. Poor social connections are associated with increased risk for heart disease, stroke, depression and dementia amongst other diseases. For practical reasons, neurobiological investigations of primate, including human, sociality have been restricted to controlled computerized tasks in highly contrived settings. Despite the utility of this approach, it neglects the natural social behaviors that primate brains evolved to produce. For my PhD, I conducted single-unit recordings in the temporal and prefrontal cortex of freely-moving, socially-interacting macaques. I found a highly distributed neural record of social dynamics, from the identity of neighboring monkeys to social support during aggressive encounters and reciprocity in strong stable relationships—potential neural substrates underlying the social ties that drive survival and reproductive success in primates, including humans.

Linbi Cai: Award Winner 2024

Research Focus

The mechanisms mediating the development and integration of the sensory systems have not been fully elucidated. We studied the development of the olfactory system, the evolutionarily oldest and early functional sense, in relation to somatosensation. We showed that during an early postnatal period in mice, before the development of other senses, odor information propagated over a large cortical area, including the somatosensory cortex (S1). This odor-mediated excitation enhanced whisker-evoked activity in S1 in neonates and was lost later in postnatal development. Odor deprivation during early development impaired somatosensation later in life, suggesting the existence of a developmental window in which olfaction affects the development of somatosensory processing. These findings are crucial for understanding how sensory deficits affect brain maturation in humans.

Overview of all award holders

Looking at the funds awarded to date, one pleasing feature can be noted: More than 20 of the 30 prizes for groundbreaking results in brain research have been awarded to female doctoral students. The Brain Diseases Award therefore not only recognizes great innovative potential, it also promotes women in science.

Overview of all award winners
Overview of all award winners

2023 Daniel Gonzalez-Bohorquez, UZH
Role of de novo lipogenesis in cortical development and intellectual disabilities

2023 Manuela Pérez Berlanga, UZH
Loss of TDP-43 oligomerization or RNA binding leads to different aggregation patterns

2023 Yi Xiao Jiang, UCLA
Amyloid fibrils in FTLD-TDP consist of TMEM106B and not TDP-43

2022 Sydney E. Cason, University of Pennsylvania
Sequential dynein effectors regulate axonal autophagosome motility in a maturation-dependent pathway

2022 Fadi Jacob, Johns Hopkins
A Patient-Derived Glioblastoma Organoid Model and Biobank Recapitulates Inter- and Intra-tumoral Heterogeneity.

2022 Lyle Kingsbury, UCLA
Correlated Neural Activity and Encoding of Behavior across Brains of Socially Interacting Animals

2021 Ekaterina Friebel, UZH
Single-Cell Mapping of Human Brain Cancer Reveals Tumor-Specifiv Instruction of Tissue-Invading Leukocytes

2021 Dasha Nelidova, University of Basel
Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors

2021 David Tingley, NYU Neuroscience Institute
Routing of Hippocampal Ripples to Subcortical Structures via the Lateral Septum

2020 Claire Gizowski, UC San Francisco
Interplay between peripheral signals, behaviour and the central clock

2020 Sofie Ährlund-Richter, Karolinska Institute
On the Neuronal Correlates of Cognition: Cell-type specific Circuitry and Function of the Prefrontal Cortex

2020 Xuyu Qian, Harvard University
Modeling Human Brain Development and Disorders Using HiPSC-derived Organoids

2019 Sara Bottes, UZH
Live imaging of neurogenesis in the adult mouse hippocampus.

2018 Gioele La Manno, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
RNA velocity in single cells.

2017 Tobias Wauer, University of Cambridge
Structure of the human Parkin ligase domain in an autoinhibited state.

2016 Lisa Traunmüller, University of Basel
Control of neuronal synapse specification by a highly dedicated alternative splicing program.

2015 Anne Maass, University of Magdeburg
Vascular hippocampal plasticity after aerobic exercise in older adults.

2014 Katharina Gapp, UZH
Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice.

2014 Marc Aurel Busche, TU München
Clusters of hyperactive neurons near amyloid plaques in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

2013 Sandra Giovanoli, ETH Zurich
Stress in puberty unmasks latent neuropathological consequences of prenatal immune activation in mice.

2012 Amelie Ebke, LMU München
Novel γ-secretase snzyme modulators directly target presenilin protein.

2011 Stéphanie Vuillermot, ETH Zurich
The recombinant amyloid-beta peptide Abeta1-42 aggregates faster and is more neurotoxic than
synthetic Abeta1-42.

2010 Andreas Vitalis, Washington University in St. Louis
Quantitative characterization of intrinsic disorder in polyglutamine: insights from analysis based on
polymer theories.

2010 Verena Finder, ETH Zürich
The recombinant amyloid-beta peptide Abeta1-42 aggregates faster and is more neurotoxic than
synthetic Abeta1-42.

2009 Susanne Schneider, University of Lübeck
Mutations in the THAP1 (DYT6) gene- a cause of generalized dystonia with prominent spasmodic dysphonia.

2008 Carsten Sachse, University of Jena
Paired β-sheet structure of an Aβ(1-40) amyloid fibril revealed by electron microscopy

2008 Anat Frydman-Marom, University of Tel Aviv
Cognitive performance recovery of Alzheimer's disease model mice by modulating early soluble
amyloid assemblies.

2007 Eline Vrieseling, University of Basel
Target-induced transcriptional control of dendritic patterning and connectivity in motor neurons by
the ETS gene Pea3.

2007 Marlen Knobloch, UZH
Intracellular Aβ and cognitive deficits precede β-amyloid depositiobloch UZH'Intracellular Aβ and cognitive deficits precede β-amyloid depositiobloch UZH'Intracellular Aβ and cognitive deficits precede β-amyloid deposition in transgenic arcAβ mice.

2006 Mathias Heikenwälder, UZH
Chronic lymphocytic inflammation specifies the organ tropism of prions.


Tonja Küng
Executive Assistant /
Subsidiary Foundations

+41 44 634 61 91
