Insights into UZH3: “What's in your head is yours forever”

Knowledge and curiosity know no age. On the contrary: Those who continue learning after retirement stay fit longer. Steffi Heussi, a member of the Senior:innen-Universität Zürich (UZH3), is well aware of this. The tour guide reveals what makes the UZH3 so special and valuable to her.

Text: Steffi Heussi

“What's in your head is yours forever” – that's what my father, who lived through two world wars, taught me, and I followed this advice after fleeing the GDR. As a computer scientist in the early days of the IT industry, I was only able to hold my own by constantly educating myself. I was able to implement my decision to get to know foreign cultures by studying tourism and training as a licensed tour guide in 20 countries. Today, I still work as a trained city guide in Switzerland.

Lifelong learning and active listening – for seven years, the Senior:innen-Universität Zürich UZH3 has offered me a wide range of new topics and the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people. The WiseLearn/myUZH3 platform is very useful to me when I can't be there in person and want to deepen my knowledge of individual lectures at my own pace. I also volunteer at the UZH3 Café, where we members can discuss with each other and with lecturers after the lectures.

As a former marathon runner, I keep fit daily and am a member of ASVZ, because: Only in a healthy body rests a healthy mind.

UZH3 – a unique place for people 60+ interested in education

With UZH3, the University of Zurich is committed to promoting scientific education in the third age. Around 2,000 registered senior citizens benefit from a range of lectures, workshops, excursions and sports activities, and can network with each other. Members can also experience the lectures via livestream.

More about this unique program and how you can support it

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