Knowledge and curiosity know no age. On the contrary: Those who continue learning after retirement stay fit longer. Steffi Heussi, a member of the Senior:innen-Universität Zürich (UZH3), is well aware of this. The tour guide reveals what makes the UZH3 so special and valuable to her.
Text: Steffi Heussi
“What's in your head is yours forever” – that's what my father, who lived through two world wars, taught me, and I followed this advice after fleeing the GDR. As a computer scientist in the early days of the IT industry, I was only able to hold my own by constantly educating myself. I was able to implement my decision to get to know foreign cultures by studying tourism and training as a licensed tour guide in 20 countries. Today, I still work as a trained city guide in Switzerland.
Lifelong learning and active listening – for seven years, the Senior:innen-Universität Zürich UZH3 has offered me a wide range of new topics and the opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people. The WiseLearn/myUZH3 platform is very useful to me when I can't be there in person and want to deepen my knowledge of individual lectures at my own pace. I also volunteer at the UZH3 Café, where we members can discuss with each other and with lecturers after the lectures.
As a former marathon runner, I keep fit daily and am a member of ASVZ, because: Only in a healthy body rests a healthy mind.