Giving Back: Together for a strong university

Together for a strong University of Zurich. That is what we are committed to. Join us and become part of the Giving Back community. With your annual contribution, you ensure socially relevant research and teaching at the University of Zurich. At the place where you studied or with which you are closely associated as a friend of UZH. 

Support the UZH now


Defeating cancer, saving biodiversity on our planet or leading a healthy life into old age. The UZH Foundation secures funding for socially relevant research at the University of Zurich through donations. Among other things, the UZH Foundation is currently supporting an entrepreneurship program on the topic of sustainable society and a research project on language and communication in retirement.

The University of Zurich is constantly achieving milestones with this research. We need you to ensure that this continues in the future.

Alumnae and friends of the University of Zurich

Once a year, we invite you to get to know outstanding research projects and the people behind them. You will have the opportunity to network with like-minded people and experience research at first hand.

Support now

To ensure that the UZH Foundation can continue to support excellent research projects at the University of Zurich in the future, we need you!

We are looking for 500 committed individuals. Show your gratitude with a contribution of CHF 1,000 and support the important work of UZH and the UZH Foundation. Together with you, we will advance research at UZH.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your commitment!


Christian Wenger
President of the Board of Trustees UZH Foundation

+41 44 634 34 00
