
The following notable events are made possible by the commitment of foundations, companies and private individuals to the University of Zurich.



In fall, we hold our annual event with Zurich guild members. UZH researchers report on current research topics, answer questions and give guild members an insight into their scientific work.

Find out more about our Giving Back events


Prof. Dr. med. Carolin Lerchenmüller takes up her office as Associate Professor of Gender Medicine on May 1, 2024. She studies medicine at the University of Heidelberg and obtained her doctorate in 2012 at the University of Heidelberg and the Thomas Jefferson University Center for Translational Medicine in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The professorship was made possible in part through donations from foundations and private individuals.

Find out more about Gender Medicine


Our Giving Back annual event takes place for the second time. A great opportunity to get together with alumni and friends of the University of Zurich, to exchange ideas directly with the researchers. Our Giving Back community is growing steadily and more exciting events are already being planned at UZH.

Find out more about Giving Back



Starting in March 2024, skeletons of a Hesperosaurus, Allosaurus and Diplodocus will be on display at the UZH Zoological Museum. The dinosaurs are part of the Aathal Dinosaur Museum’s collection and form the foundation of the new University of Zurich Natural History Museum.

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Young people who meet all the requirements of further study, but are unable to afford it,  are often denied a university education. To enable access to education and to promote equal opportunities, the University of Zurich awards scholarships every year – and depends on donations to fulfill this commitment. The UZH Foundation is launching a fundraising campaign to collect money for scholarships. Support scholarship holders

Support scholarship holders



The new radiation machine at Zurich Animal Hospital, the most modern of its kind in European veterinary medicine, is installed and ready for use. It is used to treat tumor patients, such as dogs and cats, with radiotherapy, to rid them of their cancers. Thanks to its extraordinarily precise radiation technology, these treatments can be tolerated better. The purchase of the device was made possible thanks to donations from private individuals and foundations.

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Carlo Cervia-Hasler and André Baron Meyer receive this year’s UZH Postdoc Team Award for developing a digital platform for long-Covid patients. The two UZH researchers developed an innovative smartwatch application and a companion app that provides long-Covid sufferers with more personalized information about their own physical needs and limits. This award was made possible thanks to a donation from a private individual.

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Aerospace physician Oliver Ullrich, Professor at the Institute of Anatomy and Director of the Space Hub at the University of Zurich, receives the Life Sciences Award from the International Academy of Astronautics. Ullrich is being honored for his innovative work in space life sciences, as he has made a significant contribution to establishing this field of research.

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The UZH Foundation integrates two other foundations under its umbrella: The Stiefel-Zangger Foundation supports doctoral and postdoctoral students through scholarships; the Foundation for Scientific Research and Teaching at UZH promotes scientific research and teaching across all disciplines and thematic area.

Find out more about establishing your own foundation