Three Entrepreneur Fellows Celebrate Successful Program Completion

As part of the "Sparkling Research" gala, the University of Zurich honored outstanding achievements in research, innovation, and the promotion of young talent. Three Entrepreneur Fellows from the UZH Innovation Hub were also awarded for their work and the successful completion of the fellowship program.

The Entrepreneur Fellowship programs of the UZH Innovation Hub support researchers in translating their scientific findings into market-ready innovations. In addition to funding of up to 150,000 Swiss francs, fellows benefit from tailored coaching and access to a relevant network – key steps to validate their proof of concept and lay the foundation for their start-ups.

Congratulations to Dr. sc. Jelena Skorucak, Pietro Oldrati, and Michal Shoshan on completing the program and receiving this recognition!

Learn more about the Entrepreneuer Fellowships here

The Fellows' Research Projects

  • Dr. sc. Jelena Skorucak (MedTech): The sleep researcher and data analyst is developing a platform that uses brain waves to detect epileptic disorders in children at an early stage.
  • Pietro Oldrati (MedTech): The computer scientist is working on a digital analysis device that can diagnose fatigue syndromes in affected individuals at an early stage.
  • Michal Shoshan (BioTech): With her spin-off metaLead Therapeutics AG, the chemist is developing protein molecules that filter toxic metals like lead from organs.
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[Translate to English:] Portraitaufnahme von Jonas Birk.

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