Applying for a fundraising project

Are you a UZH professor? Do you need help raising funds for a research project? Read on to find out which kinds of projects the UZH Foundation supports and how to get support.

Do you have a research project that you would like the UZH Foundation to back? Then get in touch with us! We will evaluate your project together and assess whether it’s a good fit for fundraising support, particularly when it comes to the fundraising market.

If your project fits the bill, you can submit a fundraising application to us, including a description and key details. We will then review your project together with the Vice President Research to make sure all the necessary criteria are met.

Projects eligible for support

On behalf of the Executive Board of the University, the UZH Foundation provides support in raising private-sector funds for outstanding research projects that align with the university’s strategic priorities. The UZH Foundation’s work is project-based, which means we acquire new funding for each separate research project.

Our focus is on larger projects (CHF 500,000 or more), but this doesn’t mean we automatically exclude smaller projects. The following criteria are taken into account when deciding whether a project gets picked up:

  • The research project has broad long-term benefits for society.
  • It is clearly distinguishable from previous projects or other similar projects.
  • Funding options from the public sector and third-party funds (e.g. SNSF) have already been exhausted.
  • It also helps if your project is interdisciplinary.

Assessment by the Executive Board

If your project meets these criteria, we will submit a fundraising application to the Executive Board, which then decides whether or not to move ahead.

If the application is approved, we will work together with you to develop a fundraising concept (description, goals, timing, budget, etc.). This includes the creation of an application dossier and communication measures.

Should the Executive Board reject the application, the UZH Foundation (subject to resources available) can support you in researching suitable foundations and reviewing project descriptions aimed at potential foundations and other donors.


Laura Furlanetto
Acquisition / Communication

+41 44 634 61 82
