More expertise on Eastern Europe: new professorship with J. Perović

The situation in Eastern Europe is unstable. There is a lack of authoritative information on social, political and economic developments. What do the current hotspots and the potential for further conflict mean for Europe and Switzerland? Experience and expert knowledge are urgently needed.

Research expertise on Eastern Europe has been steadily declining across the region in recent years. As a result, experts with in-depth knowledge of Eastern Europe have become increasingly rare. However, research is essential to gain a comprehensive overview of geopolitical developments in Eastern Europe and to support security for Switzerland and Europe. A new professorship in Modern Eastern European Studies at the University of Zurich (UZH) will close this gap.

Crises require urgent action

The current Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has once again highlighted the need for such expertise. In addition, Switzerland is directly affected by conflicts and crises in its Eastern European neighborhood through internationally traded goods, such as raw materials or energy – but also through migration. The UZH will take on this public responsibility and provide authoritative counsel on Eastern Europe.

"For the development of Swiss security policy, it is important that these events are considered and analyzed from a scientific perspective in order to understand and interpret them appropriately. "

Pälvi Pulli, Head of Security Policy, Ambassador, Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport

Professorship for Modern Eastern European Studies

By establishing a new Institute for Eastern European Studies, the University of Zurich has signaled the urgent need to strengthen its expertise in Eastern Europe and has created the opportunity to expand and consolidate this expertise. This work positions the University of Zurich as an important international player in matters relating to Eastern Europe. To take decisive steps forward, the establishment of a professorship for Modern Eastern European Studies is crucial. As one of the institute's mainstays, it will train future experts an opportunity a place for exchange among Eastern European students and researchers. Working together, proposals and strategies for politics and society can be developed and implemented.

The professorship's tasks include analyzing contemporary political, social, economic and cultural developments in eastern, central and southeastern Europe, as well as in the Caucasus and the post-Soviet regions of Central Asia. Contemporary phenomena are placed in a historical context to gain a better understanding of their global impact. Some key focus areas have alreadybeen established, including political conflicts, the stability of social systems, and energy policy. Interdisciplinary projects will be used to shed light on these diverse topics from different angles.

"The professorship focuses on subjects that have great scientific and socio-political relevance. It will make a significant contribution to groundbreaking research and thus strengthen Eastern European expertise, which is indispensable for a globally networked Switzerland."

Prof. Dr Andreas Wenger, Director of the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich

About Jeronim Perović

The professorship is being established ad personam and will be held by Professor Jeronim Perović. The Swiss historian and political scientist is a professor of Eastern European history at the University of Zurich and his work focuses on contemporary issues in Eastern Europe from an interdisciplinary perspective. His research already attracts a great deal of attention both nationally and internationally, and he is regularly called upon to contribute his perspective as an expert commentator. Simultaneously bringing broad and in-depth expertise, Perović is a leading figure at the new Institute for Eastern European Studies. He is the ideal person for this newly created professorship.

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Corporate Partnerships and Philanthropy

+41 44 634 61 77



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Partnerships and Philanthropy

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