The dynamics of healthy aging

The world’s population is getting older and older. This trend will continue to increase in the coming years. As life expectancy rises, it is ever more important for the older population to stay fit and healthy. Preventive approaches should enable an active and healthy life into old age.

Researchers are investigating how quality of life and health can be maintained in old age. Preventive approaches aim to delay illness and cell degradation. In addition to geriatrics, the neuroscience and psychology disciplines are researching how we can maintain our physical and mental health for as long as possible. At the Healthy Longevity Center, for example, new solutions are being developed to improve well-being and quality of life in old age.

This research addresses the urgent issue of how an increasingly older society can live long, healthy and independent lives.

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Jennifer Wyss
Partnerships and Philanthropy

+41 44 634 61 78
