How our origins and culture shape our everyday lives

How can we increase our understanding of human cultures and societies? Where do we come from and what is our mission? What can the past tell us and how do we shape the future?

These and many other questions characterize the topic of origin and culture. The aim is to explore the everyday and the seemingly self-evident: Things, technologies, practices, value orientations, bodies of knowledge and narratives that we use to shape and explain our lives. Research links our present with the past and interprets social structures over the course of time.

The examination of ourselves, our present existence and our recent and ancient past is essential to understand and develop our society.

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Support research into the historical and social behavior of humans. Your contribution makes it possible to examine cultural developments in greater depth for the purpose of understanding its development.

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Jennifer Wyss
Partnerships and Philanthropy

+41 44 634 61 78
