The picture shows the area east of Wangen an der Aare. (Image: ARES)

The picture shows the area east of Wangen an der Aare. (Image: ARES)

Top marks for new major projects at the University of Zurich

In the evaluation of new national research infrastructures, the University of Zurich (UZH) performs excellently: With five out of 14 prioritized major projects, UZH places itself at the unofficial top.

Once again, UZH proves its innovative strength: In the recently published report of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), five of the projects submitted by UZH as a sponsoring institution were awarded top marks. The projects were submitted for the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures - a comprehensive overview of projects that require major investments, are best realized in a network and are available to all Swiss researchers.

The UZH's results put it in the lead, with only 14 projects of all Swiss universities achieving the highest rating. Elisabeth Stark, Prorector Research at UZH, is also proud of the results achieved: "We are very pleased with this good rating and consider it an award for the innovative strength of our research".

Read the full article at

The UZH Foundation is in charge of third-party fundraising for the ARES (Airborne Research for the Earth System) project. ARES develops high-precision instruments for Earth observation and is one of the prioritized research infrastructure projects. Would you like to learn more about it? We look forward to hearing from you.

Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in view of the 2025-2028 ERI Dispatch (Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2023)

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Three Entrepreneur Fellows Celebrate Successful Program Completion

As part of the "Sparkling Research" gala, the University of Zurich honored outstanding achievements in research, innovation, and the promotion of young talent. Three Entrepreneur Fellows from the UZH Innovation Hub were also awarded for their work and the…

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[Translate to English:] Portraitaufnahme von Jonas Birk.

Interview with Jonas Birk: Committed to the UZH

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UZH Innovation Hub Awards First Innovation Grants

How can our society become more sustainable? For their sustainable solution approaches, Céline Portenier and Malwina Kowalska have received the first Innovation Grants from the UZH Innovation Hub.

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