Photo: CUTISS personalized skin

Four new spin-offs founded at UZH

Four UZH spin-offs were founded last year. Among them, two founding teams could be supported thanks to donations to the UZH Foundation as part of the Entrepreneuer Fellowship.

Last year, four new founding groups with UZH roots took the entrepreneurial leap and signed a licensing agreement with UZH. They came from the Faculty of Medicine, the Vetsuisse Faculty and the Faculty of Science, and have backgrounds in biopharmaceuticals and biomedicine. Their spin-offs bring to market new products or therapies, including a device that tests the quality of donor organs, a drug that combats depression and anxiety, a drug to treat malignant tumors, and immunotherapies to combat cancer.

Two spin-offs, drugs for depression and anxiety and a drug for the treatment of malignant brain tumors, were supported by an Entrepreneur Fellowship of the UZH Innovation Hub. The UZH Foundation supports this Fellowship through donations.

We are excited about the development of the spin-offs and hope to see more such success stories, made possible in part thanks to donations.

Learn more about the four research projects by clicking here.

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