Funding Advisory Board and two of the 2023 Brain Diseases Award winners.

(from left to right): Amedeo Caflisch, Daniel Gonzalez Bohorquez, Manuela Pérez Berlanga, Sebastian Jessberger (not in the picture: Yi Xiao Sean Jiang).

Brain Diseases Award 2023: And the winners are...

We sincerely congratulate Manuela Pérez Berlanga, Daniel Gonzalez Bohorquez and Yi Xiao (Sean) Jiang for receiving this year's Brain Diseases Award!

For the 18th time, the Brain Diseases Award was presented yesterday at the Irchel Campus of the University of Zurich. The three young researchers were honored for their excellent work in the field of brain diseases.

We wish the young researchers much success in their future endeavors and would like to express our sincere thanks to the funding committee Amedeo Caflisch, Sebastian Jessberger and Ben Schuler!

The award is made possible by the Brain Diseases Fund, which is a subfoundation of the UZH Foundation and supports non-clinical basic research in the field of brain diseases.

For more information, please visit our Brain Diseases page.

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