Precision medicine for more personal treatment

Medicine is evolving rapidly. With technological advances, we now understand processes in the body down to the level of individual genes and cells. The opportunities are clear: the more precise the diagnosis and treatment, the greater the chances of recovery.

In precision medicine, new personalized methods are used to diagnose and treat diseases on an individual basis. Patients benefit in very specific ways: the prospects of a cure or improvement in quality of life increase significantly. Precision medicine has already achieved pioneering successes in the treatment of cancer, and plays an equally important role in areas such as healthy aging and gender medicine.

Research in personalized medicine has become immensely important, so that more and more patients have the chance to lead healthy lives For this reason, the University of Zurich places a special focus on projects in precision medicine.

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Laura Furlanetto
Acquisition / Communication

+41 44 634 61 82
