Helping to shape digital change

Our daily lives are becoming increasingly digitalized. Technological progress opens up new perspectives for science and society – and at the same time presents new challenges. Not only do we have to rethink how we do things, but also digitalization itself.


Thanks to these digital tools, we can pursue new scientific questions. New opportunities arise, for example in the application of artificial intelligence in research. In addition to the possibilities that digitalization offers, it also poses challenges and risks.

The University of Zurich is helping to shape and drive digital change. To this end, it focuses on interdisciplinary research and teaching on digital transformation in society and science, among other topics. The "Bullinger Digital" project is a good example. The aim of the project is to index and make accessible online all sources of knowledge on Heinrich Bullinger's correspondence .

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Support science to respond to global changes. Help us to shape  digital transformation so that it best serves humanity.

Your donation for global change & equal opportunities


Sabine Schweidler
Partnerships and Philanthropy

+41 44 634 61 85


Current projects

Digitization of Bullinger's letters

UZH Digital Entrepreneur Fellowship